Uugghh, our day started at 3:30AM so we could drive 946 miles, for 15 hours. I don’t know what I was thinking planning our road trip from St. Louis to Denver (technically Keystone) in one day, but I guess it had to be done! What’s a road trip without a couple of days of driving ’til the old eyes feel like they’re gonna bleed? Don’t ask Lauren though, she spent most of her time napping while I rocked out to my playlist inspired by Led Zeppelin’s Ramble On (who knew the song would become the soundtrack to our new blog? ) and stared at more corn fields than I ever knew existed.
Category Archives: Missouri
Road Trip St. Charles MO – Diary Day 5
Today was the first day of our road trip that we let ourselves sleep in. Between all the hard-driving and the champagne last night, we needed it. We didn’t plan to do much in St. Louis, considering we stopped here only to see some good friends that just relocated here. We had already seen the Arch on the way in, so we decided to skip that and wander to the downtown St. Charles area and were pleasantly surprised with all the nice things to do.
Road Trip Diary Day 4 Knoxville to St. Louis – Lauren’s Birthday

Here it is…the big 3-0! I was fully expecting to wake up feeling old and depressed, but when life takes a serious turn in exactly the direction that you have always dreamed of, it’s hard to feel melancholy. I have my husband, my dogs, and a lifetime of road trip adventure ahead of me. When you want something bad enough, you have to get motivated and go out there and get it! I decided to start our road trip drive from Knoxville to St. Louis.