For thousands of years the horizon has always been an enigma to humanity. Always present, but never reachable. Much like the fabled end of the rainbow, one knows it exists, but accepts that he will never be able to reach out and touch it. Because of this, it has taken on many different meanings to different people. Whether it represents a new beginning in life, the eternity of the soul, the vastness of our tiny world, or the end of life, it’s a deeply meaningful and impacting image. Sailors peered off into the horizon for hopes of new land, pioneers saw mountains and envisioned new lives beyond their great masses, and in the olden days it was symbolic of the threshold of this world and the next. With that in mind, here are some of our favorite horizons for this weeks #FriFotos.

Horizons are something we see constantly but can easily be taken for granted. Being avid road trippers, we spend many hours in the car looking at different horizons.

Sometimes seeing something on the horizon gives you the will to keep going further to explore.

Sometimes you don’t even notice the horizon’s presence until you see something in front of it. The change in perspective immediately reminds you of just how expansive the world truly is.

Every once in a while there is evidence that someone is chasing the same horizon you are.

We don’t just chase the horizon by car. :)

The grass is always greener on the other side. We’re never sure on which side of the horizon we want to be on.

Horizons can symbolize so many things. This one symbolizes the end of a day and the dreams of a better tomorrow!

It doesn’t matter what we put in our sights. We as people keep reaching for our own horizons. We might never get there, but we sure will enjoy the ride along the way. Keep rambling!
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Great pics!