Today was a bittersweet day for us. I was sad to leave Colorado, because it felt so homey there, but I was also eager to keep heading west on our road trip and explore a bit more. Last night it snowed at the mountain peaks in Keystone, which was absolutely amazing to me. It was a truly memorable sendoff. I thought we were going to be in for a dreadful and boring trip through the country side, but I was hugely mistaken. We cranked out 520 miles on our road trip from Denver to Salt Lake City, had the iPod tuned to Cake, and saw some pretty amazing sites.
Category Archives: Colorado
Keystone Colorado – Road Trip Diary Day 8
Keystone Colorado turned out to be so fabulous that we decided to book another day. Between the new friends we had made and the incredible feeling of relaxation we couldn’t bring ourselves to leave just yet. It rolled back the rest of our trip but we had only booked the next two days anyhow.
Keystone Colorado: Road Trip Diary Day 7
I looked out the window, and lo and behold, there are mountains out there in Keystone Colorado ! It really makes a person feel so small. We are staying at a pet friendly resort here in which is, creatively, called the Keystone Inn. We actually got a pretty sweet deal thanks to a friend of ours, who coincidentally is really the reason we chose Keystone as opposed to anywhere else in Colorado for out road trip. Turns out Keystone isn’t just a place to ski in. Continue reading
Road Trip from St. Louis to Denver- Diary Day 6
Uugghh, our day started at 3:30AM so we could drive 946 miles, for 15 hours. I don’t know what I was thinking planning our road trip from St. Louis to Denver (technically Keystone) in one day, but I guess it had to be done! What’s a road trip without a couple of days of driving ’til the old eyes feel like they’re gonna bleed? Don’t ask Lauren though, she spent most of her time napping while I rocked out to my playlist inspired by Led Zeppelin’s Ramble On (who knew the song would become the soundtrack to our new blog? ) and stared at more corn fields than I ever knew existed.